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B' Mitzvah at Temple Sinai

B' Mitzvah ceremonies mark the symbolic transition from childhood to adulthood within Jewish tradition. B' Mitzvah means "a child of the commandment." To become an adult in the Jewish community is to take on the Mitzvot/Commandments or sacred obligations of Jewish tradition. Our students prepare for this responsibility by practicing and mastering the skills needed to take on their religious and ritual obligations, by studying and putting into action Jewish ethics, and by investigating their own Jewish identity to begin to make their own decisions about how they live their Jewish lives. In this way their studies empower them to define for themselves what it means to be B' Mitzvah while giving them the tools to craft their Jewish life.

The B' Mitzvah ceremony enables family, friends and the synagogue community to celebrate together the continuity of tradition and faith. It is a public and personal reminder of the unique place each Jew occupies in the chain of tradition. For parents and teachers, the ceremony is a reminder of the role they play in transmitting Jewish heritage from one generation to the next, l'dor v'dor. For the child, the ceremony marks the point at which Jewish study becomes Jewish action, the point at which they become a role model for Jewish generations to come.

A B' Mitzvah is the beginning of a lifetime of Jewish study. Your child must be registered for the full year of religious school at the time you schedule your B' Mitzvah date and must maintain attendance during the years leading up to and including the full year of the B' Mitzvah ceremony. Continued religious school education through Confirmation (12th Grade) is expected of all our students, as they continue to craft their Jewish lives and deepen their Jewish knowledge and commitment.

Our goal at Temple Sinai is to help you create a truly meaningful experience for your whole family in as stress-free and as supportive an environment as possible. The B' Mitzvah process begins by attending an informational meeting with the Cantor. In addition to their Religious School studies, students begin additional B' Mitzvah preparation six months before their ceremony. Students meet with a one-on-one tutor for 14 half-hour sessions during which they master key elements of the service and learn their haftarah portion. Students have eight half-hour sessions with Cantor Keys and 4 sessions with the officiating Rabbi in which they learn their Torah portion, prepare their Dvar Torah / Sermon, and review the ceremony. Finally, there are 2 rehearsals. Additional tutoring may be arranged for students needing additional support or Hebrew instruction.

Your child must be registered for the full year of religious school at the time you schedule your B' Mitzvah date, and must maintain attendance during the years leading up to and including the full year of the B' Mitzvah ceremony.

Please note that adults are also warmly welcomed and encouraged to have their own adult B' Mitzvah ceremony. Please contact Cantor Ilene Keys directly if you are interested in pursuing an Adult B’ Mitzvah.

For more information on B' Mitzvah, please contact Cantor Ilene Keys.

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785