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Fine Arts Committee on Culture and Community

Listed below are some of the events sponsored by the Fine Arts Committee. For exact dates and descriptions, please see our calendar.

The Bialy Eaters and Bake Your Own Amazing Bagels, the Musical. 

Sing Along Concerts at Temple Sinai and Retirement Homes throughout the Bay Area

  • 2023: From Bima to Broadway
  • 2024: The Wandering Jews, June 22

Poetry Readings
Most recently, Valerie Sopher and Mark Taksa. The next one will be Spring 2024

We call every congregant to wish them a good Pesach. Join us!
We try to provide ushers for every Erev Shabbat service. Please sign up here!

Dwell: A Sukkot Experiment (October)
International Shakshukah Day: December 23, 2023
Tours of the Organ Loft (with PORC, the Pipe Organ Restoration Committee)

Learn to Blow Your Shofar (with Ritual)
The Songs of Shabbat (with Ritual)
Learn to bake bialys

Blood Drives
Next Drive: December 23, 2023.

Contact us at


Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785