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Life & Legacy

Life & Legacy Society at Temple Sinai:
L’dor V’dor

“Just as my ancestors planted for me, so too, will I plant for my children.”

~ Talmud, Ta’anit 23A

We invite you to join the Temple Sinai Life & Legacy Society – in joining, you can show your commitment to our community and provide essential support for our congregation by including Temple Sinai in your estate plan. You can help ensure the temple’s thriving future by making Temple Sinai a beneficiary of any of the following:

  • A simple bequest in your will – for a set dollar amount or a percentage of the residual
  • All or a portion of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
  • A new or existing life insurance policy
  • A Charitable Remainder Trust

You might wish to consult with your professional advisors to determine the best way for you to include Temple Sinai in your estate plan.

Life & Legacy Society

Just as we use the phrase l’dor v’dor, “from generation to generation.” when the Torah is passed from grandparents, to parents, to a bar or bat mitzvah, the Life & Legacy Society at Temple Sinai honors the generations who founded, nurtured, and grew Temple Sinai into the vibrant congregation it is today. By joining the Life & Legacy Society, you will ensure that your values are inextricably linked to future generations.

Temple Sinai works tirelessly toward a world in which Judaism is central to the lives of Jews everywhere. Our reach extends far beyond the walls of our historic sanctuary, as we explore tradition, find purpose and create community. Through worship, learning, celebration and tikkun olam, we are inspired by Jewish tradition, we strive to lead lives of meaning and we are enriched by each other.

One of the many beautiful traits of our congregation is our willingness to change in response to the challenges of an urban synagogue and the role of Judaism in an increasingly complex world.  Through our leadership in the East Bay and beyond, we continually redefine what it means to be Jewish today.

Please join the Life & Legacy Society today.
Together we can ensure that our children and grandchildren will embrace the same firm commitment to Judaism and Jewish values that our ancestors did before us.

For more information or to discuss becoming a member of the Life & Legacy Society, please contact us at Temple Sinai’s Tax ID number is 94-1156845.

Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785