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mizmor shir
Mizmor Shir!
Mizmor Shir! is a popular phrase found in the Book of Psalms which means 'Sing a Song,' and was used during ancient times to direct the Levites, the musicians in the Temple in Jerusalem. Psalm 150 lists the many instruments the Levites played in the Temple as they sang the liturgy during worship. Some of these instruments include: organ, cymbals, harp, lyre, drums, strings and shofar.
In the spirit of the Levites and our ancient heritage, we have created our own Mizmor Shir! Shabbat service once a month here at Temple Sinai which features guitar, mandolin, percussion, piano, clarinet and flute. These instruments add to the joy of Shabbat and compliment the spiritual and eclectic music which makes up our Mizmor Shir! service.
Come and join us the 3rd Friday of every month for Mizmor Shir! Shabbat and enjoy this CD as an educational tool intended to help you learn the melodies so that the service will be more accessible to you. We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!
Cantor Ilene Keys
To hear music from Mizmor Shir!, click on the tune below:
Niggun Melody - Lubavitcher Niggun - Shlomo Carlebach, Hal'lu - Sufi chant, L'chu N'ran'na - R. Sirotkkin
Hinei Mah Tov - Sufi chant
L'cha Dodi - Shlomo Carlebach, Hopi Indian Chant
Barchu - Rachelle Nelson
Ki Heim Chayeinu - Shlomo Carlebach
Mi Chamocha - V'neemar - Rick Recht, Michael Isaacson
Hashkiveinu - Steve Dropkin
V'shamru - Danny Maseng
Yism'chu - Joe Black
Yism'chu - Sam Radwine
Mi Shebeirach - Craig Taubman
Bayom Hahu - Aminadav Aloni
Od Yavo Shalom - Sheva
Hashkiveinu - HaPoreis Sukkat Shalom - Shelter Us - Mah Tovu - S. Brodsky & J. Zweiback, Jeff Klepper, Larry Jonas
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785

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