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Sinai Social Action
Current Ways to Get Involved
Updated November 2023
To receive our Sinai Social Action Emails with opportunities for community service, education and advocacy, please email SinaiSocialAction@oaklandsinai.org and ask to be added to the list.
Interfaith Volunteering Food Distribution
Wednesdays 9:45 - 11:30am
Join with volunteers from Temple Sinai, the Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (ICCNC), Kehilla Community Synagogue, First Unitarian Church of Oakland and Montclair Presbyterian at the ICCNC to distribute fresh produce and other healthy food to needy people in the neighborhood. If you’re interested, email SinaiSocialAction with the date(s) you wish to help and you’ll be sent more details.
Temple Sinai Climate Tzedek Newsletter
Temple Sinai now has a Climate Tzedek Google Group which sends out a bi-weekly newsletter with action alerts and other items of interest. We invite you to join the group if you would like to receive the newsletter or post environmental justice items of general interest. If you have a Google account, click here and click the “Ask to join the group” button.
Getting Involved in Organizing and Advocacy
Watch the enews and emails from Sinai Social Action for educational and advocacy opportunities.
To get involved with RAC-CA (the Religious Action Center of California-the Reform Movement’s Social Action department in California):
- Sign up for email from RAC-CA (approx. 1-2/month). Go to https://rac.org/take-action/rac-your-state/rac-ca and scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up in the red box.
- You can also join the RAC-CA group in the Tent, the URJ's social media platform.
- If you are already member of the Tent click here and click the request to join button on right. Also remember to subscribe to emails from the Tent group — check box on bottom right.
-If you are not already in the Tent, email Emma Osborn at eosborn@urj.org and ask to join the RAC-CA tent group.
- If you are interested in participating in the research group that will help select the issues that RAC-CA will work on this year email Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller, the Senior Organizer for RAC-CA at JSaxe-Taller@rac.org.
Social Action at Temple Sinai
Throughout its history, the First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland has been committed to social justice and support of the community. For more about the congregation’s history of social action see “100+ Years of Social Action at Temple Sinai.”
Sinai Social Action serves as a hub for the congregation’s commitment to the pursuit of justice and repair of our world. The committee initiates and facilitates opportunities for congregants to provide direct service to those in need (tzedakah) and to work for social justice (tzedek) through educational and advocacy activities. Sinai Social Action collaborates with the Religious School, Preschool, SiTY, WTS, Brotherhood and other Temple groups to schedule, motivate and facilitate congregants' engagement in social action and social justice activities.
Meetings are generally the second Wednesday of the month 5-6. The committee does not hold regularly scheduled meetings June, July and August. All are welcome but attendance at meetings is not required for participation in Social Action activities.
We publicize mitzvah opportunities, social justice activities, and information about committee meetings through the Social Action e-mail list, the Sinai Social Action Facebook page, the monthly bulletin and the weekly e-news.
To share an idea, join an activity or to be added to the Social Action e-mail list, e-mail SinaiSocialAction@oaklandsinai.org.
Some current and recent activities sponsored or supported by Sinai Social Action:
- Assisting with First Presbyterian Church Food Ministry to provide free meals, sack lunches, and other services to needy and homeless individuals.
- Wednesday evening food pantry at the Telegraph Community Center
- Ballot Education — forums for mayoral candidates and information sessions on ballot measures.
- Drives for items donated to organizations that serve people in need.
- Films and Speakers on topics of social justice.
- Holiday Break Food Drives for Greenleaf School.
- Housing and Homelessness Task Force.
- Immigrant and Refugee Support – support for immigrant rights, advocacy and helping newly settled refugees.
- Interfaith-Muslim Outreach – programming and collaboration with the ICCNC and Pacifica Institute.
- Oakland Pride Parade – Temple Sinai contingent to support the LGBTQ community.
- RAC and RAC-California – Joining with other Reform congregations to advocate for federal, state and local measures that address social justice issues such as immigrant rights, housing and homelessness, climate change and criminal justice reform.
- Social Action e-mail list – information about social justice actions, meetings and activities.
- Social Action Shabbat – Speakers on social justice topics.
- Synagogues Around the World – Annual exhibit of photos taken by congregants to show support and encourage connections with other Jewish communities plus a donation where a small amount can make a large difference.
- Teen Spring Break Food Drive for Roosevelt School.
- Unity Seder – Outreach to the non-Jewish community.
- Volunteer shifts at the Alameda County Community Food Bank, MedShare, and Meals-on-Wheels.
Social action and social justice activities are also organized and sponsored by other individuals and groups within the congregation:
- Adopt-a-Family – holiday gifts for needy families
- Bi-Weekly list of Advocacy and Activist Opportunities
- Sinai Green
- Holiday Dinner Drive
- People of the Book – Literacy Project
- Yom Kippur Food Drive
- Jewish organizations that work for social justice include:
- The URJ Religious Action Center
- Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
- All send out e-mail notices of important actions and events.
Read the statement of the board of trustees joining a national Jewish Declaration of a state of moral emergency.
Click HERE to provide tangible support to detainees and separated families and take other ways to take Jewish Action.
Fri, February 14 2025
16 Sh'vat 5785

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