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Get Involved

There are a variety of community-building opportunities through parent education programs, volunteerism, family events, and class get-togethers.

  • Parent education workshops and family events are held throughout the year.
  • Parent Committees meet throughout the year to work on events and projects that enhance our school.
  • Check out our family resources: books, articles, videotapes and other helpful materials on parenting, child development, health and nutrition and other family topics.
“Our whole family’s experience has been incredible beyond words! Thank you!”

Parent Volunteer Opportunities:

Throughout the year there are many opportunities for parents and families to participate in our preschool. We invite family members to volunteer as a way to learn about and experience our program firsthand. Parent participation enhances the quality and value of your child's education. Volunteering reinforces children's Jewish education as you become models (dugmaot) of core Jewish values (middot). There are a variety of ways to volunteer and connect with the TSDPP community,

  • In the classroom, you can help with classroom projects, bake challah, play music, share a special skill or read stories to the children.
  • Outside the classroom, you can help coordinate a school event, help with a fundraising project, be a room parent, take on a leadership role in our Preschool Parent Committee, to name a few.

Programs for Parents and Families:

  • Monthly parent coffees
  • Back to school and Limmud nights
  • Join us for Practice Shabbat and holiday celebrations
  • Preschool Parent Committees meet throughout the year to work on events and projects that enhance our school. 

Temple Sinai David Pregerson Preschool receives generous support from the Jewish Community Federation Fund.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784