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12/02/2022 12:00:33 PM


Dear Fellow Congregants,   A message was sent earlier this week (on December 1, 2022) to alert you all to the upcoming special meeting and congregational vote. As of 4:00pm, December 4, 2022, the voting period begins and will continue through 12:00pm on December 16, 2022. Instructions to cast a ballot in-person or remotely are included below, as are details about the upcoming informational...Read more...

Correcting is Respecting

08/01/2022 11:34:24 AM


Rabbi Mates-Muchin

D'VAR TORAH  D'varim, Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

This week's Torah portion asks us to consider respect. Is it more respectful to allow someone to say something inaccurate, or is it more respectful to correct them?

Much of the book of Deuteronomy is Moses's recounting what happened to the Israelites and dispensing specific wisdom he hopes will benefit them as they prepare to enter the Promised Land without him. In this...Read more...

Rabbi Chester's Trip to Poland—Day 3

04/14/2022 11:08:08 AM


Wednesday, the last day of our mission, we spent in Krakow. First we went to another humanitarian center. It was in a massive, unoccupied mall that has been put to use for refugees. As you can see in the photo, it looks like a department store. The refugees are let in at 10:00 and are able to “shop” for what they need. This gives them dignity as they are not just handed something but choose themselves. They do not pay for anything. What...Read more...

Rabbi Chester's Trip to Poland—Day 2

04/14/2022 11:06:41 AM


Today was a very long and emotionally exhausting day. We left early in the morning for 2 1/2-hour drive toward the Ukrainian border. Our first stop was at Przemysl which is the closest large city to the Ukrainian border. We did not cross the border into Ukraine but were at the Poland-Ukraine border. There we visited the humanitarian center and went inside to see how many supplies have been given to them for the refugees. 


Rabbi Chester's Trip to Poland—Day 1

04/14/2022 11:01:31 AM


Members of Temple Sinai, I want to thank you for your very generous donations to help the Ukrainian refugees. You have collected over $65,000 at last count. Our group of 23 rabbis and two cantors has collected over $500,000. In addition, we have brought over two tons of supplies (see us in front of all the bags) in one of the pictures below.
We began our day at the Krakow JCC which is coordinating our mission. The...Read more...

Ruth in the Redwoods

04/12/2022 08:52:03 AM


September 18, 2021

A year ago, when the light of the moon was blocked by the earth and the distances had grown their greatest between low and high tides, I rode my bike the three miles from Muir Beach along Frank Valley Road, following the path of Redwood Creek to Muir Woods National Monument. The scorched land was still everywhere up and down our coast, redwood trees at Big Basin had burnt from within. We had just spent...Read more...

Jewish Disability Awareness Month

02/01/2022 02:12:26 PM


As we begin Disability Awareness month, we reflect on how our own community can be more inclusive: Ahead of a month focused on Jews with disabilities, advocates say the pandemic has brought changes.


In-Person Gatherings Resume in February

01/31/2022 11:11:56 AM


Temple Sinai

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we respond to an ever-changing Covid landscape. We are thrilled so many of you have been able to join our remote programming in January, though we miss being with you! We remain in contact with our health-care professionals, and we consider staffing, facility, and programmatic needs as we make these decisions.

We return in-person for the month of February (though if the Covid-19 situation...Read more...

Fri, July 26 2024 20 Tammuz 5784